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There already is a tool that lets you do that, FO4Edit, you simply have to learn how to use it. Even a tool that only works with the Leveled Lists (which would be awesome, but I doubt anyone will be doing it) would require quite a bit of work on your part. You'd still have to download the mods you wanted, still learn how to use the tool, and still figure out what leveled lists you want the new weapons on, how common you want them to be, and what levels you want them showing up at. So at that point you might as well learn to use Fo4Edit yourself, you'll get a lot more mileage out of that than a super specialized tool anyway.


And no, I don't have any good tutorials or tips on it, cause I'm still learning that myself.

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There already is a tool that lets you do that, FO4Edit, you simply have to learn how to use it. Even a tool that only works with the Leveled Lists (which would be awesome, but I doubt anyone will be doing it) would require quite a bit of work on your part. You'd still have to download the mods you wanted, still learn how to use the tool, and still figure out what leveled lists you want the new weapons on, how common you want them to be, and what levels you want them showing up at. So at that point you might as well learn to use Fo4Edit yourself, you'll get a lot more mileage out of that than a super specialized tool anyway.


And no, I don't have any good tutorials or tips on it, cause I'm still learning that myself.

Thanks for the reply, but I'm way too lazy for that. Luckily, I'm also very patient, so I can wait for a more motivated soul to tackle it for me. :teehee:

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