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I hope this has been said before, but I guess it´s pretty clear we need a boat now.
I don´t know if this is only modable after the GECK comes out or something. I just want to sail from the castle to traffington boathouse.


Maybe use one of the boat models that are already ingame and have you buy it from some weird guy stopping by your settlements, like that guy who sells dogs. So you can pick a size (tiny white one or large green one) and maybe customise it with a workshop (while not being a settlement like homeplate -btw can someone fix that?- altough this boat customising seems very glitchy maybe just have there be upgrades you can buy at a boat shop)​.


I´d like to have a modd​ers opinion on this and maybe set home plate as a settlement?

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It would likely require GECK, unless someone finds way to turn vertibirds function somehow into suitable base for the boat. I just see a single major issue with this: Why travel by water? Without any other additions besides the boat itself the mod could easily become boring if there wouldn't be anything else besides the traveling to it. It might work as a faster traveling method for those who consider fast travel immersion breaking, but the it would have limited usability especially in the inland areas. Depending on whether the boat would travel on preset routes or would be manually controlled, it could work as a discovery tool for possible new locations, or as a combat platform in case the mod would add raider vessels or similar waterborne threats. Either way I'd recommend further developing the idea to add more meaning to it.

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