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Following this tutorial I get this error


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "WolfSkollDismiss"...
C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\WolfSkollDismiss.psc(15,0): missing EOF at 'Scriptname'
No output generated for WolfSkollDismiss, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on WolfSkollDismiss




SO I follow this forum post but then it won't even compile, tell me if it's a success or not. Or it will say that the scriptname is already in use.



So then Following this tutorial I get this error


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "SkollDismiss"...
C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkollDismiss.psc(9,1): variable pDialogueFollower is undefined
C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\SkollDismiss.psc(9,19): cannot cast a none to a dialoguefollowerscript, types are incompatible
No output generated for SkollDismiss, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on SkollDismiss



All the script names I wanted to give, I've used up and I can't reuse (says that script name is already in use, so i guess there's no overwriting and I don't know where to delete them from on my hard drive) so I wanted to delete these attempts in the dialogue box. I did. It said [Deleted]- (grrr) in front of my attempts. But quitting CK and reloading my file doesn't remove them from the list in the dialogue box. So then I click on Data, Details, and I mark some items in there for deletion but I may have marked the original (whine) as well, the one that dog followers use. When I go into the dialogue window it says

DELETE- (whine)



one may be my attempt to duplicate, one may be the original whine that was in there.


I'm trying to make a Wolf Follow that has Inventory. And I can't find any current tutorials that address all the problems.


This is my first post about trying to make this mod. As you can see, I've even conquered the missing TesV papyrus flag error that NEITHER video covers because Skyrim has updated since then.


How do I make sure my Skyrim main file isn't borked? How do I make a mod in a way that doesn't affect the main Skyrim file? If it worked fine the first time like in these videos then I wouldn't be in this trouble but neither video is up to date.


How do I make a Wolf Follower That Has Inventory?


Please help me. Please.


Now when I try to quit the CK it says:


DEFAULT: (16784789) is still in the handle manager at shutdown time.

"Yes to all" will disable all Warnings for this context.


Edited by amakachao
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Eek.. A somewhat confusing post. However, I will attempt to decipher what I can:


Deleting a vanilla file: Don't panic! It's only your mod that deletes. Just clean with Tes5edit and remove the entries that edit the default things.

In your case, regarding script edit, you can just re unpack the scripts.rar !




Script errors give you clues! See the number in your first error?SkollDismiss.psc(9,1) this is telling exactly where the problem is; line number 9 in your script. It's also telling you that you haven't defined the name as a property.


The other issue you're seeing is that in some cases you can't re use names, especially default ones.


Anyway, I sense that you are struggling a bit with this, so it's pointless me getting all "scripty" on you.


Here's what to do:


1.On you Wolve npc, add a script that allows Wolve to talk . Search for allownpcdialogue. No properties needed, leave script as it is. This will allow your Wolve to talk.


2. Follow this tutorial https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8v1BcVNwLU

Minimal scripting!


Good luck

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Thank you thank you thank you for responding SO QUICKLY!


First thing he says in this video is that his method is NOT compatible with AFT or UFO. Alas, I am using AFT for my human follower in the save game that I want this wolf to be in...


Thank you for your response. I guess I'll have to keep with the old tutorials and keep editing until something works.



Okay, I've gone through this video again and this is where I mess up. at the 13:05 mark, after we have created the fragment, renamed it, compiled it SUCCESSFULLY (in the edit source area), saved it, then we click properties - all that is okay. When I go to close out of this, click okay and leave to make a new dialogue it gives me this error


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "WolfSkollDismiss"...
C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\WolfSkollDismiss.psc(15,0): missing EOF at 'Scriptname'
No output generated for WolfSkollDismiss, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on WolfSkollDismiss


There isn't a line 15 in the script. The script I'm using comes from the video tutorial. He said replace EVERYTHING in the edit source window with what he put on his website which is exactly this:

Scriptname SCRIPTNAME Extends TopicInfo Hidden


Quest Property pDialogueFollower  Auto


Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
    Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
    (pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()

Obviously I changed SCRIPTNAME to WolfSkollDismiss and yes double checked I spelled it correctly in all instances so it doesn't say WolfSkollDiSSmiss or something in one place but not the other.


If I had to guess I'd say it is asking for me to put an "End of" SOMETHING with the Scriptname?? Missing EOF?? at 'Scriptname' means what?? There isn't a 15th line?? He says in the comments of the video that the Script in the video doesn't look like the one from the website because he "cleaned up unnecessary stuff" but it's not working??


Okay when I look for the script WolfSkollDismiss.psc in my Data/scripts/source folder and I open it up in notepad it looks like this:


Scriptname WolfSkollDismiss Extends TopicInfo Hidden


Quest Property pDialogueFollower Auto


Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()
;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname WolfSkollDismiss Extends TopicInfo Hidden

Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
(pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).DismissAnimal()

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment


Where is line 15 and where is the missing EOF? Please help me with this part.




You said:


Here's what to do:

1.On you Wolve npc, add a script that allows Wolve to talk . Search for allownpcdialogue. No properties needed, leave script as it is. This will allow your Wolve to talk.


When I open the actor window and try to add a script (on the left hand side under the "unique" checkbox) I see a script called defaultAllowPCDialogueScript - is that the one you mean?

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In that case, you'll want to make a custom script and not rely upon generic follower quest.


Try this: http://skyrimmw.weebly.com/skyrim-modding/making-a-custom-follower-skyrim-modding-tutorial


I also recommend downloading my mod: Professor Benjamin Doon (see signature) as he was put together using the above tutorial. Also I left the scripts as an optional download so that others can learn from him.

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Thank you I will try out your suggestions, I'll let you know what worked after I've tried it.


Thank you for responding to me so quickly as well I really appreciate it.


I never thought getting a wolf follower (who holds stuff) would be so hard. I've downloaded all the wolf followers on the Nexus (that aren't special colors/glowing/magic) and either they no longer function (don't talk) or they start attacking everything (need an update) or they come with a lot of other stuff I just don't need (a whole package of mounts and extra wild animals).

I know it's possible because another character of mine has Eevee the Fox (i never use the "spells") and the fox has the default dialogue options (wait, follow, hold this, dismiss) kills, HOLD ITEMS, and even gathers wood in Frostfall so SOMEONE has figured it out lol.

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So just an update. I finished the video tutorial, just to see if I could, and I got the wolf to follow me, open his inventory, and dismiss. YAAAAAY! (every time I click on him it says "Skoll is now following" which is a bit weird but whatever works)




He equips the things I give him... not that big of a deal but if I give him a shield to hold (say the shield has the markings of my fallen enemies which is why i'm keeping it as a memento hahah) he equips the shield and looses the ability to fight! How do I disable him from equipping stuff? Last I checked Meeko/Vigilance/Stray Dog don't equip stuff...



Fine, so no shields, not a big deal. But maybe the new tutorial you gave me will fix it



It says right at the beginning of the tutorial:

This will stop your follower from being automatically managed by a mod like EFF, or AFT.


I want the wolf to be AFT compatible... so does this mean that he will not be if I use this method?

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