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Scrapping all of unscrapped junk (helps supply line transferance, absurd that it doesn't exist).


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Hey what's up so I have this idea for a mod.


Whenever you get a junk object, you need to store it in a workshop. However, this junk object isn't shared between supply lines, unless you drop it on the floor and scrap it.


Since between most travels, you usually get over 15 objects, this is how much you have to drop and individually scrap: http://imgur.com/a/4e3eH

And that is the only way to scrap junk so it becomes material so it can be transferred between supply lines.


Why isn't there an option to scrap all unscraped junk so it turns into material, so I won't have to drop everything on the floor and individually scrap it all every single time I come back from the wasteland?


I think this could be a simple mod, like a new button on the workshop that says "Scrap everything". This way we get to share everything between supply lines, as it should've always been.

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Honestly, I'd be happy if we could just get the junk to be shared between the settlements instead of having to scrap it to begin with. It'd make life much more fun for those of us who use mods like OCDecorator. But either way, yhea something needs to be done, somehow.

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That is correct but only for junk that is in the same workbench as the settlement you are trying to build in.


So if you have mounds of junk in sanctuary but you need one stinking piece of steel in red rocket you still have to hoof up and get it.


Someone just please make a scrapping machine! :'(


With the scrap making workbench you can make every piece of scrap you may need so really the onus is on having resources everywhere and that means we need a thing that just breaks down whatever you throw in.

Edited by xtrasyn
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