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Immersion mod I can't believe has never been made.


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First off, I am aware that all requests here will have to wait until the release of the creation kit, just putting it out there because if history is anything to go off, no modders seem to have done this yet. I expected to see someone do it in F3 FNV and Skyrim but it never happened so i'm finally making an official request.


Building on the needs/hardcore/survival mode mods which will no doubt surface as they have for all previous games, i would like to see a realistic management of stamina implemented. I don't personally find it immersive that a character can run for miles and miles for hours and hours, sleep a while and do the same again day after day, all on a scrappy wasteland diet at that.


The basics of my idea are as follows:


- Walk speed increased slightly.

- Jogging now slowly will decrease your max stamina over time.

- Sprinting will obviously use up your stamina as normal whilst simultaneously decreasing you max stamina.

- Combat slowly decreases max stamina.

- Sleeping and eating refresh your max stamina.

- Variables such as type of bed, location of bed, and type of diet affect how much stamina is regained.

- Penalties as max stamina decreases such as decrease in weapon accuracy and more general weapon sway, slower general movement speed, blurred vision etc..

- absolutely everything configurable to player preference


I'm imagining a game that encourages a slower pace, taking in surroundings and managing your fatigue in a realistic way. Spent all morning sprinting away from Deathclaws? Your weapon is swaying, vision blurring, better avoid those raiders up ahead and find some shelter to rest before you collapse and get robbed. Big battle coming up? Better spend the day eating some decent food and conserving energy for a draining fight, wouldn't want to become so war-fatigued that we cant hit our mark or sprint for cover half way through the fight would we?


I'm sure there are a lot of players that walk most places anyway for immersion, I'm just really surprised no-one had implemented a mod that makes that process a natural part of the game, with incentives and consequences to the system.


I'm aware that it wont be fore everyone, just an Idea, feel free to let me know your opinions on ways it could be changed, bettered, scrapped.. or on how generally achievable it is.



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