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I think a submarine player home would be really cool, especially if it could be made even larger, and be run like a settlement. So i could send settlers there and assign them to jobs inside. Maybe have an area for power armor, a crafting area, a weapon area with the auto appear wall stuff that was so common in nv mods. Maybe an area with some hydroponics to assign the settlers to to provide food. idk just shooting out what id like to make, but im not sure how i would. I could make the model and have everything within the model, but i have no idea how to assign/create npc's that function, or how to make it into a settlement, shoot no one probably does yet! ha well, if this is a mod that comes around it really impress me. Anyone else? anything to add? anyone up to the task when the geck/creation kit comes out?

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I would agree, I wouldn't half mind a base that is on a floating boat/ship...

Me too, the ship area has boat a with shacks built on them. I want a house like that myself.


Anyways, we can't do this without the geck,

Ohh, I want the modding tool.

Edited by Boombro
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