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US Army Uniforms


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Ok, I like the idea, but I have to correct you on something. The uniform pictured is NOT an officer's uniform. That is one that would be worn by enlisted and officers. With the devices on the lapels, it appears to be set up for an officer though, but I can't tell if the trousers have the black stripe down both legs. The uniform pictured is the old Army Class A uniform. Now if you were to go with the newer Class A it would be blue, with Officer and NCO versions having the gold strip down the pant legs.


Like I said, I love the idea of having the dress uniform (another name for the Class A uniform).


And in case you are wondering, the class B would be without the jacket, usually with the short sleeve shirt. Class C is the camouflaged one you would see most Soldiers wearing every day, aka, the military fatigues that are already in game.

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Ok. I dont know that. I like the American Uniforms. They look much better than our Germans. Ingame the Uniform have no Badges or Rank Insignia and i have found no Mod with good Uniforms for my Settlement Commanders and Officers for my Headquarter and my Recruiting Offices.


I hope someone can make a Mod with the Uniforms with different Rank Insignia.

Edited by doom203
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