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Radstorms Reanimate Corpses


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Title says it all. I would love it if radstorms would reanimate ghouls and other corpses and give them ghoul AI.


I also think that each storm should have a chance to bring with it a pack of ghouls with a chance for a glowing one or two.


If I was a ghoul and was healed by radiation, I'd follow the storm. Wouldn't you?


I think reanimating and possibly spawning new feral ghouls would make radstorms something to truly be concerned about. Right now. they are just decorations.


I also think it would be cool if radstorms had a chance to damage generators and anything that needs electricity. Just a chance. Maybe they should give settlers radiation too and you would have to give them radaway or mutant hound chops. Radstorms could turn your purified water into dirty water, too.


And make regular monsters and animals legendary. Or scale up 2X. So many things that could be done to make em interesting.

Edited by Wasteland_Geographic
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  • 2 months later...

Bump. this is still the greatest idea in the history of gaming.


While I agree this would be a great mod to have, I have to say that it's not really all that original. You're late to the party by several years for this "greatest idea in the history of gaming" award. There are many mods that cause NPCs caught in emissions to turn into zombies for the Stalker series.


Sure, it's not quite the same as corpses becoming feral ghouls, but the concept of a dangerous storm sweeping across the landscape and causing something to turn into mindless monsters of their former selves has indeed already been done. :wink:

Edited by TheRoyalOne
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