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FO3 GECK Support: Protectron pod setup

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Hey Everyone,


This is my first ever forum post so I would just like to start off by apologising for any conventions that I may have missed in posting this query. I am currently developing a Fallout 3 quest mod using the GECK and I am unsure as to how to go about setting up a protectron pod with a protectron inside it that you can activate from a terminal. I have set both the pod and the generic protectron it contains and the terminal as a presistant reference in the GECK and have set the terminals 'Link Ref' to be the generic protectron (Id = "genericPodProtectron "). When I activate the unit in the terminal the protectron turns on but the pod dosn't open to allow it to leave, nor does it seem to be moving around inside the pod(except for some sort of turning from side to side animation). I would greatly appreciate anyones assistance who can help me with this matter! :)


Kind regards,


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there is a Cell in the Fallout 3 .esm called "WarehouseRobots" in this cell you can look at how the dev's set up many different robots and there terminals. It is a good cell to look at and on a side note there is also a "WarehouseTraps" with example of? Can you Guess?


Yes you got it! Traps! :tongue:


On a serious note these cells is how I learned how to get my Protectrons and traps working.


Hope this helps.

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