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File size limitations


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I ran into this (see pic in attachment below) the other day while using UE Explorer.


Iv read something about this before. I had thought someone made a tool to expand the sizes of upk packages but im not really sure how that works. Is it

possible at the moment for the game to use a mooded upk file with a different size than its original ?

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Yes, it is possible to use modded upk with different size. But you have to modify the original correctly.


The tool could be part of UPKUtils by wghost81.


You can use PatcherGUI to patch original upk files. I'd suggest to see PatchUPK_Mod_Example.txt and PatchUPK_Readme.txt.


If you use


the object will be resized to whatever size is needed. The best is to use the feature with BEFORE_CODE and AFTER_CODE, or REPLACEMENT_CODE keys or sections, because these will update serial and virtual size in function's header for you.


Pseudo code of original function can be generated with help of HexToPseudoCode.exe. Works on modded upk too.

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