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Power armor only weapons?


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Power armor is basically a walking tank, making its wearer much stronger and more resilient. So why aren't there any weapons designed for it? Past Fallouts got away with it because power armor was just another armor then, now it is not. Power armor wearers could easily carry light artillery like a rifle, but are instead limited to the same weapons carried by everyone else (baring unique variants). Most weapons look like toys when held by power armor, there isn't even a heavy machine gun other than the moderately pathetic mini gun anyone can use.


Basically I'm looking for a gun that looks like its meant to be used by power armor, with a lot of damage (reload speed can be slow for balance sake), and doesn't look like a toy in the gauntlets. If there are some already out there can you post a link? I found a collection of good candidates in a Fallout New Vegas mod that has been discontinued with open permission from the maker: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38762/?



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That'd be easy - Problem though, the custom meshes and such, you COULD make a minigun that only can be equipped if you are in PA, but what's the point if there is already a minigun? You need NEW guns, so that is probs gonna have to wait till the CK comes out.

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