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Requesting Feedback: Wild Talent custom psi class


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I'm working on a Wild Talent custom psionic class and would like some feedback on the proposed abilities.


The concept for this class is a soldier unlocking and growing into their latent psionic talents. They won't get higher tier psi abilities (void rift, null lance, solace), but they will have interesting ability choices per tier, along with abilities forged in the crucible of combat. The lack of higher tier psi abilities also keeps psi operatives as viable choices, as this is not meant to be a replacement class, but a supplement.


While this class will originally be in the forced deck and trainable from the GTS, I'm setting numInDeck to 2 to make them rarer. Later, I plan to release a separate mod for using RNG to test rookies for latent psionic abilities, which will be the primary means of training to this class, letting me remove it from the forced deck and GTS training.


Rather than breaking up abilities by two themed ability trees, I'm going by a pairing theme, where the two ability choices each level are (mostly) similar in some respect or area:


Wild Talent

  • Squaddie: Insanity
  • Corporal: Schism vs Fuse
  • Sergeant: Sustain vs Fortress
  • Lieutenant: Stasis vs Stasis Shielding
  • Captain: Blurred Step vs Combat Celerity
  • Major: Eyebite vs Mindfire
  • Colonel: Precognitive Counter vs Psi Feedback


Stasis Shielding - Standalone Stasis Shield ability, and +4 shields for 2 turns after stasis wears off.


Blurred Step - (Shadowstep) A combination of blanking out your image in your enemy's mind while moving, and using bluescreen nanofiber, you can move without attracting the enemy's attention and avoid reaction fire.


Combat Celerity - (Implacable) Psionically enhances movement and reaction after a kill.


Eyebite - Soulfire, with a 6 turn cooldown. If you kill an enemy with this, gain stealth.


Mindfire - Soulfire + SoulSteal effect


Precognitive Counter - Preemptively counterfire with your weapon each time you are directly attacked.


PSI Feedback - Send a pulse of psionic energy back at enemies after each time you are attacked. Does guaranteed damage. Ineffective on robotics. I'm hoping to use the Fuse or Insanity shot effect here, hopefully without doing the cast animation with the psiamp.



The custom abilities at Major and Colonel tiers are under the most scrutiny right now, especially the Colonel counter abilities. Single reaction per turn seemed a little low powered given they're at the highest tier. Also, without psi rift or null lance, I wanted something with a bit more meat. Soldiers with Precognitive Counter may run into ammo issues, and psi feedback will happen post-attack and only works on organics, so that helps balance these somewhat. Still, playtesting will be necessary here.


Thanks in advance for feedback and suggestions!

Edited by Ghostlines
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