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Please, REMOVE head bobbing animation. Camera sway causes motion sickness!


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I searched a bit and didnt see any recent topics on the subject, so I figured I'd update the discussion.

The head bobbing makes this game difficult to play for more than 30 minutes without feeling sick.
Ive only ever gotten motion sickness from 2 other games (half life 1, and wolfenstein 3D), so I was surprised when a AAA title had such a big oversight.

There were other people that looked into it at the end of last year, but it seemed to fizzle out.

Specifically, the issues seem to be:

  • Camera sway when sprinting
  • Camera sway when in power armor
  • When using the pip boy, Player's idle animation causes a slight sway

If there are any other animations that cause sickness, please post and I'll update the list.

If there was a way to remove it, you'd be making a lot of people very thankful. Some quick googling will show I'm not the only one with this problem.
Please, it would be a great help to get some help on this.

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I couldn't agree more. In fact, I can't even play Fallout 4 with the head-bobbing while walking, in power armor, or the Pipboy sway. I'm patiently waiting for the GECK release and hopefully some kind soul will fix the nauseating head-bobbing, so I can enjoy the game for once.

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Agreed. It only affects me when in power armor, and especially when scrabbling around an interior location looking for ashtrays and tin cans. Constantly tapping the forward button as you're searching is a nightmare as the camera lurches upward every time. never felt it in fo3, vegas, oblivion or skyrim. Please, mod gods, mod me a new head bob.

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