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Request: 'Instant' hacking (I know similar exists...)


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I really dislike the hacking minigame, I can do it, usually pretty fast, but Its BORING, and with higher abilities/skills its pretty much 100% chance (Even if u need 10 retries, which i never do) I jsut find it a boring worthless waste of time, and since the game pauses ANYWAYS when hacking, I was hoping for, if the skill allowed one to do so, a 'instant' or simplified hacking 'game' (Ideally skipping the 'guess the word' minigame would be dandy)


I am pretty sure said mod already exists somewhere (note, i do not want 'free' hacking, just skip the silly minigame) but my fail search skillz can't find it.


Please help me out here, and thanks!

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Have you looked at Easy Hacking by Zilav? You still need the perks, it simply makes it so that only the correct option is displayed allowing you to bypass the minigame very quickly. I also recommend combining it with something like Faster Terminal Displays by Old Nick to really remove the aggravation from the hacking experience in game.

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