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Recreating "Bats" Power for use in human form


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Hey guys,

I was planning to recreate the "Bats" Power in order to use it in human form. I briefly looked through the magic effect and its attached scripts and have been successful in copying the effect and getting the attached script to work. I quickly realised that things probably won't be as easy though, as the bat power relies on an animation that I presume is only available while your race is changed to the Vampire Lord race (BatSprintStart). Also it seems that when I use the Actor.PlayIdle() Function on the Player and passing the Property of BatSprintStart to it (that's how the vanilla Bat-Script does it), the animation won't play and PlayIdle() will not return true.

  • Am I completely wrong in the way I imagine things to work? :D
  • How would you guys solve the problem?

When I get back home I will try to post the code of my non-functioning script.

Thanks a lot

Edited by shemalerevenge
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Okay, I finally got it to work. :smile: In case anyone is interested in the solution:


Playing the BatSprintStart Animation naturally did not work as the PC's race is not VampireLord. I got it to work using the "VoiceWhirlwindSprintLong" animation, although I had to copy it in the CK and remove the conditions attached to it. I used the following script for the magic effect (edited version of the vanilla bat script):

Scriptname VelyaBatsEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Idle Property VelyaVoiceStart Auto ; references "VoiceStart" animation

Idle Property VelyaVoiceWhirlwindSprintLong Auto ; references "VoiceWhirlwindSprintLong" (copied) animation

spell Property VelyaVampireBatsPower Auto

actor CasterActor = None
bool bBatsAreGoCheck = False

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	CasterActor = akCaster 	
	if CasterActor.PlayIdle(VelyaVoiceWhirlwindSprintLong)
		bBatsAreGoCheck = true
Edited by shemalerevenge
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