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Food and Water caravans for settlments


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Hey folks, I´ve been bothered with the fact that theres nothing like this in the vanilla game since i found Graygarden. I would like it to be possible the set up caravan that connect food and water supplies between settlements, so i can make economic settlements instead of having to plant hunderds of crops the serve settlers needs.
Ofcourse you could cheat the supplies, but that would be boring, right? :D

Also i would like those to be a separate from the normal supplylines, to make it feel less cheaty and more lively :)


Sorry for bad english, I hope its readable ! :D

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Funny you should mention it because this is supposed to be in the base game and it's even mentioned in the game, and sometimes it even works but the whole settlement requirement and workshop view is horribly bugged and has been since the start. For example you can find purified water in settlement resource containers that don't produce it. There's also a script that will try to add native production of workshops based on linked settlements but that doesn't work very well either.

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