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Functional gas masks


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Seeing as this is my first post, having originally been a silent user of the nexus modding community through downloads, I hope that you will pardon me should this idea have been put out there plenty of times already.


So as the the topic at hand, having recently made a return after a break from fallout 4, and having just upgraded my rig (Yay 970GTX!) I have been occupying myself mainly by playing the metro redux games.


During my time in broken down moscow an idea came to me, an addition to the wastes of fallout 4 that i think could be both cosmetically awesome, gamewise challenging and all out entertaining:


Im talking: Gas masks, we have a few helmets and gas masks, including our trusty army of power armors that we have gathered from all around and parked somewhere. So why not add some functionality to it?


To put it blundly, having somekind of restricting air in areas, or in general, around different parts of fallout 4, which would require the player to either wear a mask, helmet, or anything that can somewhat filter the air when inhaling.


I would love to see this as a mod, especially now where the modding tools have been released :)


Thank you for reading through my post, I hope to get some good talks out of this idea, and hopefully see it created and released in the future!


Best regards


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I agree, the gas masks in Metro were an inspired idea. Condensation dripping, filter blocking, heaving for breath, it was intense. You could even combine it with a popular weathers mod, so you never knew when or where your character might get stuck in a toxic dust storm.
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Agreed. I loved the metro games. There was nothing quite like the panic of chasing filter after filter as you ran out of breathable air topside


I would love to have an immersion pass on gasmasks and such.


I wonder if you can treat "toxic gas" type situations as dealing some really nasty damage/time independent of (or in addition to) radiation unless you've got a hazmat suit, gasmask, or PA. Like bad enough that you'd keel over dead if you sauntered in without protection.


Headgear can be given its own visor overlays, metro style, and maybe some sound muffling or breathing noises.


Hazmat suits could offer long duration protection, but require heavy replaceable airtanks in order to give full protection.

Gasmasks could offer shorter duration protection for far less weight, but penalize AP and Perception (its super hard to catch your breath, and your peripheral vision is terrible in these things)

PA could be modded into either airtanks or filters


I imagine airtanks and filters could use a mechanic similar to power cores, where they only start to drain once in contact with contaminants.

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Judging from the trailers, I think something along these lines could be featured in the new DLC. It mentions a new heavy fog that covers the island, and you have to build these large pylons to disperse the fog. no idea what happens when you go into the fog though

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