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Adding a new faction to the Wasteland


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I'm pretty new to creating mods (only effectively done one mod so far) but I had this idea to add a new faction to Fo4. This task might be easy but again I'm brand new to this whole thing. Here's what I'm trying to do:


For this dungeon I'm working on, I made a new raider faction complete with a new hierarchy and new raider types ("berserker" - only using melee weapons, etc.) What I want to know is, how can I make is so that they integrate into the wasteland like other factions? (Think like the new Rust Devils added by the automatron DLC) I'd like to make these a recurring theme in future mods but also fairly radiant. It'd be cool to explore around and accidentally run into them in a random encounter or patrolling BoS get attacked by them and you come in to save the day. Are there any good tutorials on how to do this? I watched the wiki tutorials made for building a dungeon and creating npcs, but I'm not sure if there's anything else I have to do to fully integrate them into the wasteland.

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