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GetActorValue - Does it exist/how do I use it?


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Hey everyone,


First, I'll say that I have absolutely no experience in scripting with Papyrus in the Creation Kit, and all of my scripting relies on tutorials and wikis etc. Until recently, I've been able to find all the info I needed, and have a mostly working script. Except when it comes to 'GetActorValue'.


I can't find any, working, information on this function or how to use it. As I said, I have no experience so the error could be on my part. What I am asking is, does anyone here know how this function works, and could they explain it to me or point me in the direction of some tutorials.


Cheers, BayK.

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GetActorValue is a console function, not a paprus function.

Regarding Actor Values you probably want to start there: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Actor_Value

You can get a pretty much complete function reference for papyrus over here: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Category:Papyrus&pageuntil=SetDogAnimArchetypeAgitated+-+Actor#mw-pages

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In console you type


player.getactorvalue [something] or player.getav [something]

Then it should return the value of [something] so that you can see it in Console.

This is a good way to see if a script with actorvalues are working.


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