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Mod suggestion: convert mines to grenades (and vice versa)


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It occurs to me that a mine isn't all that different from a grenade, so why couldn't you take a mine and some metal, gears, springs, or whatever and turn it into a grenade? I mean, you're basically just disarming the mine, dismantling it, and building a new case for the explosives to go in.


Obviously, in addition to the material requirements, it should require the same level of demolition expert as is required to craft that type of grenade. And of course you could go the other way as well (although I personally never use mines, hence my desire for this mod :smile:)


Nuke mines coukd be converted to Nuka grenades with demolition expert 4 (since they aren't craftable at all otherwise).


If anyone out there decides to take on this project, I don't require any credit for the idea. All I ask is that if you do decide to make this mod, PLEASE consider posting it on Bethesda.net for Xbox One so that I can use it. :smile:

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