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Undead Dialogue: Impossible?

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It sure seems that way. I made a nice new quest, with all the dialogue necessary and everything(no conditions even, for testing), reanimated some people and all; but no matter what, they REFUSE to speak to me. Other people will use my dialogue, however, I didn't set it up wrong.

Google has not returned anything promising, and I can find nothing in the CK related to undead that prevents them from speaking.
So, is there really no way to give reanimated undead, dialogue? Is this something I can alter?

Edited by Fantafaust
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I mean in terms of conversation dialogue. I could definitely add things they can say, but I can't seem to add topics of discussion. My end goal is interaction with them as you would a normal follower, ie wait trade and favors, but with no "personality".

Edited by Fantafaust
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Draugr by default don't have (on their Race page) "Allow PC Dialogue" ticked. You need to add the script, I think, that enables it, to each NPC, as the others mentioned. Alternatively you could alter the Draugr race directly just by ticking that box, but that may lead to other problems and mod conflicts, I'm not sure.


What you COULD do is if it's just for one or a few NPCs, duplicate the Draugr race, and for your race only, enable it. I hope I didn't miss anything.

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I missed the part that the OP mentions reanimated actors. I suppose you'll have to add a script to them via magic-effect or something. Are you using a separate spell to reanimate the actors? Or just the vanilla reanimation spells? If you make a new spell that reanimates the actors you can just add the akTarget.AllowPCDialogue() command in a script attached to the spell.


If you want to be able to converse with any or all reanimated undead, you'll have to take a different approach. You could make a new quest and add some Aliases that fill in with your zombie friends, and add the script to said Aliases with the command AllowPCDialogue().

Edited by blennus
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Man, it's always the simple stuff I swear. I was so focused on finding why they wouldn't talk, I forgot to see why other NPCs DO. Lol

I'm gonna make a spell that temporarily sets AllowPCDialogue(), I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Edited by Fantafaust
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Yeah, it's not working.

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_UndeadFollower  Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor aktarget, Actor akCaster)
		debug.notification("Your minion gains meager sentience")

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor aktarget, Actor akCaster)
		debug.notification("Your minion returns to normal")

Before anyone asks, yes, I have the reference alias set in Properties. The notifications do appear when expected, but it seems that AllowPCDialogue is doing nothing. Do I need to define it in properties first?

EDIT: It does actually do something. Trying it out on Farkas adds the dialogue, and removes the ability to speak to him at the end of the duration. But it doesn't work on reanimated actors. :/

Edited by Fantafaust
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Ah, right, since allowpcdialog is racial flag, and given that they are reanimated humans I suppose that means that their race hasn't changed, so allowpcdialog is already set as true. Meaning it won't do anything...


Hmm... I'm stumped as well.

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