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Character Pool Issue


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I have all dlcs ( yes 'i have to buy them all') and i have a huge character pool. however more and more im getting random characters even though i have selected character pool only. is this a bug, a known issue etc. if it is is there a mod tha fixes it or a workaround at all ? it seems it only effects vips rescued and black market soldier purchases

Edited by andys1971
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Two possible explanations;


If your pool doesn't have enough pre-defined VIPs.. the randomizer principle takes over at any given time --EVEN-- if you still have a few at the ready. IIRC, a "normal" game requires at least 24 unique Characters. 12 for each Scientists & Engineers.


Rookies and higher ranked soldiers are a bit tricky as well. Not sure how or where i've seen this dev precision (maybe it was an early video) but it seems the code mechanics are asynchronous to the various situations (and ways to acquire) such Troopers. It's as if the whole POOL has to be re-scrambled at run-time on every kind of ingame requests. This can cause weird temporary stack of potential "recruiting candidates" to fail the location (Monthly offers, directly from barracks, etc) dataset and thus, the randomizer triggers -- again.


Soory i can't be more thorough than that. Although, maybe someone else has something better to share about such issues.

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