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Getting Mod QuestIDs


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Is there a console command or other method for returning the questID of a quest from a mod?


I figured out how to do this in the Oblivion console for getting past those buggy spots in quests added by mods but can't remember how I did it, and can't seem to figure it out again.

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I don't think there is a way to get the ID of a quest from within the game. However, it is easy to get using geck. Get the current version of geck (1.4), load up the game and the mod, and use edit->find text to find the name of the quest. Then hover the mouse over the quest and you will get the quest ID.
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Don't forget that you have to correct the first two numbers for your load order. FoMM will give you your load order, but isn't always completely correct.


The best way I've found to get an always accurate load corrected ID is to launch FNVEdit and leave all mods active. Once it loads them all, you can find the Load index of the mod in question, and you can expand it to get the exact formID of the quest you want (load order corrected).

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  • 6 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Don't forget that you have to correct the first two numbers for your load order. FoMM will give you your load order, but isn't always completely correct.


The best way I've found to get an always accurate load corrected ID is to launch FNVEdit and leave all mods active. Once it loads them all, you can find the Load index of the mod in question, and you can expand it to get the exact formID of the quest you want (load order corrected).

Excelent, also the steps of the quests

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  • 1 month later...

Follow the advice by Gribbleshnibit8 in post #3, using FNVEdit (aka xEdit & TES5Edit). (The GECK doesn't know runtime values.)


FYI: When there is no response after a reasonable period of time, it either means people don't know OR (more likely if there were replies) the answer was already given and they are too polite to say "read what was already posted more carefully and with some common sense".)



Edited by dubiousintent
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  • 6 months later...

I know this is a very late reply, but i want to comment if someone else comes looking. I experimented a for myself for a bit and found a way to do it.

First go into the game and mark the quest you want to know about, that is "Track it" and open console and type "sqt"
You should then get "Active quest: *The ID of the quest name* "
Open your install in FNVedit and choose the "Quest folder".
Then up top you will be able to search in the "Editor ID" box, Type your quest ID into there, (I don't know if capitalization matters, as i have not tested, but type it with capitalization to be safe, as i would think it matters)
Hit Enter and the editor will load for a short while, your quest should then be highlighted, in the big box on the left, make sure its chosen, if it is a whole lot of different variables will appear in the box on the right.
If you scroll down you should find something like "QUST:XXXXXXXX" That is your actual quest ID, that you need in console.
If you scroll down further you should find Multiple "stage" 'folders' that should look like "INDX - Stage Index" Those are the different phases in the quest, stages, scroll down until you find the one relevant to you and you should find the quest stage number to the right of the "INDX - Stage Index"

And then you just type the aquired information into console, setstage [stageID XXXXXXX] [Quest Stage XX] and you should be able to proceed.

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