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"Moderators Are Too Strict" Threads


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The issue has been discussed to death and well past that point. There is absolutely nothing to add to the discussion, and nothing is going to change because of it. I believe this quote from Dark0ne makes this point quite nicely.


The rules aren't going to change for them, and if they don't agree with them they can leave.


Get the point? We're all tired of it. The discussion is over. And since polite requests to drop the subject haven't been working, I'll make it nice and simple:



Making another post on this subject is an instant strike. You have been warned.




Edit: Since there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding about exactly what I'm talking about.... I'm not banning discussion if you have a complaint about a specific thread/mod action. If you have something like that to discuss, that's fine with me, but you'd better have facts to back up your argument. And you'd better do it in a civilized manner.


But this "I want to spam and the mods are too strict for not letting me" argument is over. You've made your point, we've made our decision.



My thread on cliff racers was locked. There was a good and unique discussion going on there, so I think it should be unlocked.



teh m0ds r teh nazi. th3y d0n't l3t us spam! they r teh str1ct.
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