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obvious plot gap is really horrifically obvious now.


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The entire story of LR is a broken jumble of fail after the other three excellent DLCs. It reinforces the very thing that was later officially stated (obviously by someone who had never read the script of the game, it's peppered with reference to how you have amnesia) as wrong: that the Courier has amnesia. Also in a surprise twist that you have to add at least twenty years to the age you thought the Courier was, and wonder how some random Khans and Benny overwhelmed the unstoppable force that cleared the deathclaw infested Divide to the point where it became a new nation.



Wait wait wait...

You call Honest Hearts excellent?! That's such a boring DLC...

A bunch of fetch quests and exploring some boring caves...


Also the divide might not have been a Deathclaw infested place before the nukes went off.



One word - Rawr. Deathclaws were commonplace in the area enough that an NCR survivor who was trapped in by the blast was trapped in Rawrs cave and killed by him. This is impossible unless the Deathclaws predate the nukes significantly.


Also, Honest hearts is easily the deepest DLC in terms of thematic brilliance. The others are shallow - greed as a trap, the horrors of scientific hubris, the horrors that new life can be. Honest Hearst is abut rebirth, its about faith, its about forgiveness, its about the inherent goodness that lies within humanity being tainted by our need to survive in a harsh world, and not letting that inner light be snuffed out.


I don't replay Honest Hearts very often, but when I do I always love the story.

Edited by HackWithTHeJacket
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Oh Rawr I love how he gives me his hand to make the "fist of the north Rawr"... ^^


Fair enough I suppose. Makes you wonder why people settled in the divide then, if it's infested with Deathclaws... XD



Nah, Honest Hearts IS boring.

All you need to do is a bunch of fetch and kill quests. With a little "explore history" about a lone survivor on the side, which isn't all that interesting...


I do like Joshua Graham though, he's pretty much the only good thing in the DLC.

Though, he could stop saying bible quotes...

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  • 2 years later...

It's futile to aim at anything in the Mojave because House's laser defense system makes Vegas and apparently most of the Mojave invincible to nukes.

Just like in real life the rocket defense systems became so advanced that it's highly unlikely for any nukes to reach their destinations at all. Except maybe the ones that are aiming at third world locations.

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  • 8 months later...

Using the Laser cannons mounted on the Lucky 38, House was able to destroy nukes inbound on Vegas. He also has software that would detect and disarm nukes. The Lucky 38 defensive systems would probably repel any form of nuclear strike on the Vegas area

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