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Improving the downloads area


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for some time now me and friends of mine can get perplexed with the mods, wether their boring, worthwhile, fun, expandable or even have great potential, in my opinion, i think it would be a great idea for chosen people to review the mod, the mod would have to relate to certain part of morrowind the reviewer likes, if he/she likes archery, then he/she would review an archery mod, same with alchemy and anything else, it may be a long shot, but if this can be done, then im sure it would help the public alot, instead of downloading a mod, and going, "gee, what a boring mod", but not to criticise a mod in a bad way, a friendly way, incase the author of the mod sees it :P


your opinion?

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I dunno, that sounds kinda of a time waster, because the mod developers tell you what it does. I mean different people have different tastes and different views as to what they want in a mod. :shifty:


And whether or not they are fun/boring is up to you

OT> just like that topic a few weeks ago (in general morrowind) about the person

who rated all of the joinable factions, almost everybody disagreed with him on something <_<

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You want to be the one to reveiw the endless supply of mods? You'd have to play it, explore every detail, etc. Then writing a good (writing quality) review of something isn't the easiest or fastest thing ever. I mean, even the old 1-10 rating system didn't get used. Before the site changes, my weapons mod had well over a hundred downloads, but not a single rating, good or bad.
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