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Expand Echo Lake Lumber build area


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Far Harbor DLC. Expansion of echo lake lumber's build area please! I doubt I'm the only one who had hoped those little market stalls were part of the build area... to use with trading rugs and stuff... Considering the other settlement expansion mods out there, this should be a walk in the park for someone. It's just a few extra feet in one direction. Thank you in advance :smile:


(Alternatively if there's a solution to this without using Creation Kit or a 'build anywhere' mod, please let me know, I am not having much joy with that thing)

Edited by m0ds1984
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Right, was not gonna be defeated so took another stab at it, and created my first mod, that does the amazing job of... changing one variable, slightly :wink:


So now you can build in Echo Lake Lumber stalls (small size adjustment) or with the additional file you can build in the stalls and a larger space beyond the lake itself (large size adjustment) note though I haven't properly tested that area. Some of it is in an encounter zone so Anglers will probably spawn on your NPCs ;) Have a little wander though, see where else you can build there. Other notes on the mod page!



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