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Disable V.A.T.S. mine/hidden enemy targeting


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I feel like VATS is a little too powerful by being able to spot out hidden mines and enemies. I want ghouls, mirelurks, and other nasties to burst out and surprise me, and VATS just kills that. Mine targeting is the same deal (and kind of annoying when you're near a mine field)


Yes, I could get rid of vats all together but it's not that I don't like vats, I just don't like VATS being able to target mine's and hidden enemies.


If this is a possible mod I would love if someone could make one for it.

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This is an old thread, but I've been looking for something like this as well and haven't found it. Honestly the way the game works I don't think it is possible, because hiding and detecting only applies to enemies detecting you and not vice versa. So the VATS will always target an enemy hiding somewhere. If you use this to scout around then Far Harbor becomes really boring. The only thing you can do is not use it unless you can actually see an enemy.


The GMC doesn't allow you to confgure much. Only turn it off or remove time slow.

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