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Request: No stealing from the Constitution


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So I find it mildly annoying that after siding with Captain Ironside, you cannot take anything from the USS Constitution without it being considered stealing. Even if you try to take any of the things from the room they give you, it's flagged as stealing, which causes them to turn hostile, and is generally a bad time.


I'd really like a mod that makes it so that you can take the loot from the Constitution without it being considered stealing. IF someone were to make such a mod, it would certainly be appreciated. Not only by myself, but by anyone else who shares my experiences.




Thanks, and happy modding.

Edited by DasRoteBaron
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Well, let me see if I've got this right. What you need to do is move your character over to the item that you want. On your keyboard press the tilde key ( that's the ~ key next to the 1 at the top left). Have your character click on the object that you want (you will get an object I.D.). Then type "set Ownership", without the quotes. The item then belongs to you. I hope that this helps.



The Rabbit

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