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summoning a portal (spell/effect door)


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Ok I need help with what im guessing is a very easy thing.

I want to use portal effect just like a door to go in and out of new world space to lets say whiterun

Soo in short i just want to change a model of a door to the one of a portal that is in game but i just cant seem to find it.

Any ideas ?

I mean i can always find some other idea to get to this worldspace but this one seems just cool

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You can swap the mesh path by copy pasting the nif path for the portal effect you want. Search for the model you want in the object window, double click to open it. Then under path, copy the entire path for that model.

Then go to your custom load door, duplicate it. Open up that duplicate, rename to whatever, then under path, click edit, then paste the model path u copied before. Copy it once and hit ok. Then click edit, paste the path again and click ok again. Make sure the door is a load door. Then link it.

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So you want to make a portal that teleports you to a new world?

First off, doors are activated, so you have to walk up to it and activate it if you want to be moved to a new cell. I don't think that is how you want your portal to work, I don't even think the mesh would allow it.

Portals usually teleport you, so when you get near it you would be teleported. You are not teleported by the portal itself, but you are teleported by something called an "AutoLoadDoor01" that is placed in front of the portal mesh. (For some reason there is a blank "AutoLoadDoor01" in Whiterun, you can see the "to " if you run against the wall to the left of the Hall of the Dead. If you go through it you get an infinite load screen as it goes nowhere.)


If you want a portal that you activate and you have the DLC, search "PortalGemDoor".

- This is the Wayshrine Portal from the Dawnguard DLC.

If you want to make a portal that teleports you and you have the DLC search "CasSCPortalExit01" and place an "AutoLoadDoor01" in front of it.

- This is the Soul Cairn Portal from the Dawnguard DLC.

If you want a portal you could activate, you could either

- Extract the mesh and make it to where you could activate it and turn it into a door

- Make an activatable plane/other shape and place it right in front of the portal

If you want to make a door that automatically teleports you just by getting near it just place an "AutoLoadDoor01" in front of it.


If you want to find the name of a specific portal, go somewhere that you know the portal is at - lets say the portal to Sovengarde.

- Go to the WorldSpace that the portal is located in, for the Portal to Sovengarde it is located in the "SkuldafnWorld" WorldSpace located in the drop down of the Cell View window.

- Move your camera to the Portal

- There are two ways to do this, how I do it is I rip apart the worldspace and select it (DO NOT SAVE), or try to find it in the left side of the Cell Veiw window and select it.

- Once you have found the portal, there should be a box around it as if you have selected it.

- Right click and edit the portal, it should show "Base Object" and it will be grayed out.

- The "Base Object" ID is "SovngardePortalSeal01". (Misspelled, be wary of Bethesda's typos, it is should be Sovengarde but it was spelled Sovngarde, missing an e.)

- Search the "Base Object" ID in the Filter of the Object Window and go to all.

- Go to your WorldSpace, or wherever you will have the portal.

- Drag the "SovngardePortalSeal01" onto the Cell Camera window to place it in the Worldspace.

- I don't know if it has to have a set animation or if it is physically set but you should be able to set it to "Open By Default" if you right click it.

There is the portal, be sure to add the FX under it too, "FXSovngardePortal"

- If you want to make it like the Portal to Sovengarde in Skuldafn to where it requires a staff or something to open then that requires scripting.


How to link an "AutoLoadDoor01" to a cell? (Do this to both sides to make it a two-way portal)

- Place an "AutoLoadDoor01" in front of the portal.

- Right click it, edit it, and go to the teleport section.

- Keep the Reference window open and go to the cell where you have placed the other portal

- Place any "Door" type object in the other WorldSpace (Where you want the portal to go to)

- Give the door a Reference ID

-Go back to the Refrence window for the "AutoLoadDoor01", select "Select Reference in Render Window" and double click on the "Door" that you placed down earlier.

- A yellow box should have popped up, that is where the player will be placed after it has gone through the "AutoLoadDoor01", move it where you want, preferably in front of the other portal. (But not too close to where it teleports you back.)

- The bit on the end is the direction the player will be facing upon entering the new cell.

- Select the "Door" and set it to "Initially Disabled" if you want to hide it. Random floating doors look bad.

- Save the .ESP and test the door to see if it works. If not, check the steps again.


Hope this helps, I tried to answer your question and any other question you might have after that. If you need anymore help feel free to ask. I hope I didn't mess up in the steps. :p

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This would actually be an incredibly useful mod.
For example you could create a void-like worldspace and call it "healing retreat" or something. When you get low on health you just summon a door that disappears after 5 seconds, walk through the door and you're in your void. Once you are done healing you resummon the door and it plops you back where you first summoned it.

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You can swap the mesh path by copy pasting the nif path for the portal effect you want. Search for the model you want in the object window, double click to open it. Then under path, copy the entire path for that model.


Then go to your custom load door, duplicate it. Open up that duplicate, rename to whatever, then under path, click edit, then paste the model path u copied before. Copy it once and hit ok. Then click edit, paste the path again and click ok again. Make sure the door is a load door. Then link it.


This is how you would be able to do that ... with NifSkope ... you will have to look for the path to the meshes ... ( It's the last one [after you click the door] on the left interface. Then open the swirl on the right interface )

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You can swap the mesh path by copy pasting the nif path for the portal effect you want. Search for the model you want in the object window, double click to open it. Then under path, copy the entire path for that model.


Then go to your custom load door, duplicate it. Open up that duplicate, rename to whatever, then under path, click edit, then paste the model path u copied before. Copy it once and hit ok. Then click edit, paste the path again and click ok again. Make sure the door is a load door. Then link it.


This is how you would be able to do that ... with NifSkope ... you will have to look for the path to the meshes ... ( It's the last one [after you click the door] on the left interface. Then open the swirl on the right interface )


No you do that with CK, in the CK dialogue window for the door.

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I had one problem that my game crashes upon entering my new world but i fixed it,i needed to add a parental world :P

Still cant find a portal effect tho i took apart the one that was mentioned in this post,Gonna search for effect a little bit more

Or just make a boat as a door and place it near the sea

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