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So.... Does ANY ONE prefer to side with the NCR?


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The vast majority of people I see on multiple forums either seem to only accept the House or indipendant ending. I've even seen more people legitimately prefer the Legion over the NCR, no joke. People can like and side with whoever they want, but it seems like damn near no one prefers the NCR. I'm not going to sit here and say they're perfect. Yes they definitely have corruption as well as several other problems. They are bigots... but are you seriously telling me Caesar and House aren't?


But I don't want to get into a big debate about who's better, that's not really my point. I'm just curious if there's any one else who likes the NCR or at least doesn't hate them with every thing they have.

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Well, there's no option that leaves everyone happy, that's one of the beautiful things about this game.


Personally I'm on the fence between House and Independent. House knows how to run things, but he's also a ruthless autocrat. On the other hand, independency will most likely just result in anarchy and chaos.


Used to be I favored NCR, but now I figure that winning the Mojave would actually be a bad thing for them. They need a change in leadership and ideology and they need it badly. Losing at the dam and being pushed back into Californa might just be what they need to spark that change.


I'm not against the republic. They got a good thing going, but they're headed toward a bad place. In the words of Cass: "NCR just has some shaping up to do. Maybe Caesar kicking them in the nuts is a nice wake-up call, is all I'm saying."

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House is the most able and qualified in my opinion. He seems to have it all worked out, and I feel sort of bad when I try to break the mold and have to kill the guy. Yeah, he's and autocrat but he doesn't show any signs of tyranny or bad intentions, and well - he saved Vegas so I think he has his foot in the door when it comes to governing its future.


But to answer your question, NCR comes last on my list of preferred factions. In my opinion the Pre-War sources in the Fallout universe seem to portray that style of governance as the beginning of the downfall. I have a feeling that the writers want to suggest that the rip-it-up-and-start-again effect of the war may have been a good thing in some ways. I've always thought that many people preferred them, though. They seem like the de facto choice for everyone who doesn't buy into the philosophical aspect of the story and just sides with the good guys.

Edited by PushTheWinButton
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I'd say the NCR ending is probably the most popular next to Independent.


The Legion campaign's pretty fun to play after you've learned the game like the back of your hand. It provides a different perspective, lets you talk to a couple of neat characters and shakes up the gameplay more than the other factions. Only problem is it's a little underdeveloped and I bumped into a gamebreaking bug at the end of the game that I had to stitch up myself.

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I always go for an independent Vegas, but I don't hate the NCR. I just think they have California's best interests at heart, and not the Mojave's. They give me the impression that, to them, the Mojave is not citizens, it's resources to send back home. That said, I think they'd be the second best option for governing the region.

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When i originally played the game i sided with NCR or House, once i even sided with independent. My views have developed a lot over the years dealing with politics. I believe faithfully in the constitution and the bill of rights as they are and as they were originally (for the most part) intended to be. That being said i almost always go for an independent vegas; a lot of factions have their own points as to why they're the best. The feeling i get from the game though is that generally Independent vegas is best. The NCR is sorta shitty, they have a lot of problems with their manifest destiny attitude, the corruption is also quite nasty too. They're quickly becoming what pre-war america was except they don't have the resources to keep themselves propped up. House on the other hand is solid, but he's not a leader. He's quite fine with snuffing out any resistance to him at no cost to hist morality. He is a tyrant by the time you reach the end of the game, he will end up dictating how people live. His goals are also short sighted, Hes focusing too much on the tech and not enough on the people.

This is where the what i hope to be canon ending comes into play, Independent vegas. Independnet vegas is far more than just anarchy, its the beginning of something new. Like a new hopeville, a little town that sprung up from the ashes of the old world and quickly grew into something a former frumentarii would prefer over the legion. Except this time the courier is it's protector rather than its destroyer. independent vegas offers a lot, it offers a chance for a real future where people in a region govern themselves and will ultimately build a new government. One that will touch on the roots of what made america great, NCR, and hopeville.

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  • 1 month later...

There was a poll here ages ago and NCR was the most popular next to Independent. I personally would have like an independent ending where you become a client warlord for NCR. They'll get Nevada eventually....but on Nevada's terms. As is I go for the NCR ending because the NCR for better or worse is basically America, to the point I use this really awesome pre-war flag replacer for NCR and it's really, REALLY awesome. My Courier also goes NCR, but that's because she likes the action, and anonimity being a lowly Courier brings with it. She likes being a hero for hire with a seminormal life off the road in a nice little house in Boulder City.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a House's man to the bone. I hate side with NCR and Yes Man because I have to kill the man that saves my life and Legion is only a option for the achivements.


That said, I made a lot of NCR endings because:


1) I love the NCR in Fallout 2

2) The NCR/Legion final battle is much more fun then House/Yes Man final battle.

3) Roleplay reasons

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