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Isn't it weird?


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Why are we pretending to understand how an enchantment works? Or a soul, for that matter?


It's like you think these things already exist in our reality, and you know exactly how they work. From personal experience.



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If the scabbard is glowing hot, it would also burn your back. If you want to role-play that seriously, then role play (as another person suggested) that enchanted swords are inactive until they are drawn.

It make sense that if there is a magical sword, the magic would protect the swords owner.

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It's impossible to sheath a weapon from your back (a long sword or even a short sword) your arms can't stretch out so far to unsheath the etire blade from your back to get it over your head and infront of you. The only way for it to work is to A. Go and and turn over to give your arms more area to move. Or B. Pull it and grab it half way with your other hand by the blade and pull it out even more( which is as you might guess not very nice, a sharp blade with maybe an enchanting on it is not nice to grab). Anyway, i never saw the logic in having weapons on your back in Skyrim as it's realistically not possible to use it effectively. Yea, gladius's and Daggers are feasable but it's better to just have it sheathed on your chest or next to your hip.

You obviously have no actual idea about swords, or how to use them. You can easily have the sword on your back and unsheath it and sheath it again. When unsheathing the sheath is not strapped to your back but slinged to it, so when you pull forward the sheath rides up over your shoulder making it far easier to pull out. Sheathing it again is a bit unpractical but you just need to push the sheath up from below with your left hand and position it and let it glide in with your right.


And as for having it on your back you can not have a Claymore attached to your hip due to the blade being too long, you would not be able to walk without it dragging into the ground :)

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"I imagine it would be carried over the shoulder as the laddie marched off to battle. No way you could draw it from a back scabbard, unless your arms are insanely long (as in, you're real tall, like that Viking looking guy in the pics last faire season) and strong. Drawing from the back is a haphazard gambit at best, the larger the sword, the higher the potential for grievous wounds to the back of the head and neck."


Also, Claymores and Zweihanders had their scabbards just on their hips. They just didn't point out to the ground but it was pointing behind mid air. Sometimes with a Belt to have extra support for carrying it with your back muscles. Scottish warriors even had some that didn't use a scabbard at all and always walked with they claymore in their hand. It was not practical but those infantry soldiers weren't meant to make long distances. Only swords that can be used are short swords, tantos and gladius's. Even tho it's not practical it could be used. It's always better to wear your swords on your hip as you can sheath it and directly while sheathing it point it at the enemy. Where as you sheath it from your back you have to lift it and then pull it over your head and then point it at the enemy which in that time you already have lost your life in battle.


It's impossible to sheath a weapon from your back (a long sword or even a short sword) your arms can't stretch out so far to unsheath the etire blade from your back to get it over your head and infront of you. The only way for it to work is to A. Go and and turn over to give your arms more area to move. Or B. Pull it and grab it half way with your other hand by the blade and pull it out even more( which is as you might guess not very nice, a sharp blade with maybe an enchanting on it is not nice to grab). Anyway, i never saw the logic in having weapons on your back in Skyrim as it's realistically not possible to use it effectively. Yea, gladius's and Daggers are feasable but it's better to just have it sheathed on your chest or next to your hip.

You obviously have no actual idea about swords, or how to use them. You can easily have the sword on your back and unsheath it and sheath it again. When unsheathing the sheath is not strapped to your back but slinged to it, so when you pull forward the sheath rides up over your shoulder making it far easier to pull out. Sheathing it again is a bit unpractical but you just need to push the sheath up from below with your left hand and position it and let it glide in with your right.


And as for having it on your back you can not have a Claymore attached to your hip due to the blade being too long, you would not be able to walk without it dragging into the ground :smile:


Edited by thierryu1
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I have no idea how you, author, haven't noticed it, but in every TES game I remember, weapons are enchanted with some kind of runes all over it, they don't burn in fires, don't sparkle and obviously not icing when held in hand but triggers effect only on hit. It can be interpreted in several ways, but safe to assume that runes by themselves don't cause harmful effects. It's either your intention (willpower) causing it, or strength of impact. In Skyrim when you block with 2H sword, for example, enemy gets in contact with blade too, but it doesn't trigger any effects.


Considering all this, I think TES makes alot more sense as fantasy than any other RPGs I know of, where enchanted weapons actually burn and etc, which doesn't make any sense at all...


And yes, you can pull 2H Sword from the back without having very long hands...

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Isn't it kind of odd to assume that the weapon enchantments are always active? I mean weapon enchantment have limited charges so it could just be that the magic activates when something is struck.

Please tell me how you pull a zweihander out from your back?

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