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Brotherhood Ending without railroad destruction


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As the title implies, please can someone make a mod whereby the brotherhood mission to kill the railroad is disabled. I really like both factions but I prefer destroying the institute with the brotherhood but I don't want to kill the railroad in the process.


The only other way to have peace between minutemen, Bos and railroad is to side with all factions but destroy the institute with the minutemen.


Can anyone help? If I knew how to mod and program I'd do it myself, but then I wouldn't be writing this.


PS: I'm on console

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The BOS are in conflict with the Railroad as one believes synths are slaves and sentient, the other believes that they are abominations are must be destroyed. If you want both alive then the minutemen ending is indeed the best.

Making a mod to do what you ask is probably possible. It could be as simple as writing a script which executes when the quest starts, sets its stage to complete, resurrects, if need be, the RR npcs and then sets them in a state/stage as if the minutemen won, it could be a lot harder/buggy. With that in mind, the dialogue for the BOS would still run as if the railroad were killed and the RR dialogue would be ignorant of the fact the BOS destroyed the institute.

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Frankly, being forced to destroy the Railroad is just part of the charm of joining the Brotherhood of Steel. It feels wrong because it is wrong.


When the player sides with the Railroad, and to a certain extent the Minutemen, they are choosing to free the synths who are connected to the player through his or her parentage of Shaun. When the player sides with the Institute, they are choosing to safeguard the legacy of their son even as they delay the immediate freedom of all of the synths. When you join the Brotherhood you go against both the synths and your son which is terrible from the player's narrative perspective.


When I first started playing I had a great deal of trouble reconciling my conflict with the Brotherhood in this game. When I ended Fallout 3 I was a knight in the Brotherhood under the leadership of Elder Lyons. It was an ending worthy of pride. Years later and with another game I considered these soldiers my former (virtual) brothers in arms. And then I had to kill them. Over and over and over again. The Karma system may be gone but Karma is still a *censored*.


So just stick with the script, the Brotherhood has no great mandate to uphold that would require you bend reality itself to justify.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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