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Scrapping tools / Scrap stuff outside of settlements


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After reading about those "make new settlements anywhere" mods, I thought, I don't want to go that far, but, there is so much raw junk out there which I could use. All those old cars, for example. If I only could tow them to some settlement to scrap them...


Well, I think towing would be pretty much impossible (and even if, very time-consuming and annoying). So, why not some sort of tool to scrap them in the field? I'm thinking about some sort of a "weapon", which you equip and then "attack" some scrappable item. It then disappears, and you gain the scrap.

Of course it shouldn't work on everything what the game might consider scrappable, I suspect that might do some serious damage.


Or, alternative idea: make some things, like old cars, "mineable". Like the Ores in Skyrim. You activate them, get that blowtorch or hammering animation, and then you have harvested some components, like pieces of steel, screws or ciruitry. The car itself remains where it was.

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