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Oblivion Start-up Crash/Freeze

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Hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with my Oblivion: GOTY Steam game. I normally use mods via NMM, save a few I install manually. Sadly, on this occasion where I decided to redo my mod selections, I screwed up pretty bad. The game always freezes at the screen where the Oblivion logo is displayed and a load bar right under it, which never seems to move. I call it a crash because it's pretty much equivalent to one since I have to open Task Manager just to close it. Anyway, this is where I've cornered myself. My fair knowledge of modding is apparently insufficient here so I need someone familiar with crashes, mods, pretty much the works of NMM. Below I have pictures of the frozen screen, my plugins load order and (2) pictures of the mods tab on NMM in order to cover the whole of the mods list.


Freeze -http://imgur.com/a/YyXis


Load Order -http://imgur.com/a/2KDG4


Mods Tab1 -http://imgur.com/a/9ZSgw


Mods Tab2 -http://imgur.com/a/Oj465

Edited by DinosaurOverlord
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One method to identify the problem is to deactivate the ESPs one by one, start the game each time and see if the problem persists. Have you sorted your load order ? Use BOSS for this.

I also do not recommend to use NMM to install Oblivion's mod (some mods doesn't work with), Wrye Bash is better for Oblivion.

Edited by bevilex
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bevilex, I have literally just done that and it seems to be something with Better Cities/Open Cities Reborn, I'm confused as to which one it is because I can't launch the game with either the Better Cities only option or just Open Cities. :/ I'm assuming that it's something with NMM in relation to what you said. I used BOSS, but I'll retry it to see if it may have changed it's ideas on my load order. I'll also try switching to Wrye Bash or OBMM to see if my problems persist.

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I am not an expert of Better Cities/ Open Cities Reborn, maybe there are not compatible? I know that BC has a lot of ESP depending on what you want. You can have open cities with Better Cities too so maybe you should uninstall Open Cities Reborn ? Then you should have a look at BC wiki to know what each files do and which files are needed (maybe you have a missing esp, or not sorted correctly)

Wrye Bash has a "wizard" option to help you choose and install the options you want.

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