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Finding the local Workshop "cloud storage" from a constructed terminal in the settlement

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I have this -

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
  ObjectReference term = (MyTerminal as ReferenceAlias).getReference()
  ObjectReference localContainer = GetLinkedRef(WorkshopParent.WorkshopLinkContainer)

When the terminal is accessed, the stage does get set to 30. However with debug notifications on, localContainer is NONE. I'm doin' it wrong, but I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong function, or if it's in the wrong place.


This Event is in the terminal script, and otherwise seems to function correctly. MyTerminal is declared a reference, it's in the associated Quest as an alias, and it fills correctly here and elsewhere; I seem to be detecting and getting the terminal 3d correctly, but I don't think I'm telling it to look for the local workshop's linked containers correctly.


Any advice appreciated. I'd thought since the terminal is a co_, its parent would be the local workshop - no?



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