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Custom mesh reflex sight won't glow

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I have an issue with a reflex sight I'm trying to make, the actual dot itself won't glow unlike other scopes, and is barely readable ingame. In order; mine, 10mm pistol reflex, laser rifle reflex (the one I'm sampling)





One thing I've noticed is that the laser rifle sight has a different symbol to mine even though I'm directly repurposing LaserReflexSight_1.nif, may or may not be related. I suspect this is a material problem, no emissive channel enabled or something, but I don't know where to look. Any help?

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i recently made a reflex scope from the alien blaster scope, it doesnt glow as much as i would like but its visible enough

http://puu.sh/qj3vB/06b88a1b1d.jpg the dot is just a sphere which i added a BSeffectShdaerPropery to with the following settings


http://puu.sh/qj3yh/edfe71a95e.png i bumped up the emissive multiplier and got this.


Edited by zantetzou
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Ah, thanks for the tip. I went off to do some texturing and have come back to the problem. I've found out that when I preview my reflex sight on its own, it displays the glow correctly. This suggests the problem is when the reflex is attached to the gun. I get the feeling this might be the emissive channel not being enabled or something to that effect. Still no idea what to change




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I'm noticing BGEM files as well as BGSM in the source files for the laser reflex (the one I'm repurposing.) Could these have something to do with it?




I've copied it to make my own BGEM but now the glass is purple for some reason.


edit: Alright, fixed that (I hadn't renamed my BGEM to BGSM.BGEM) but still no glow.

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I've had a breakthrough! When adding new receivers, I copied a hunting rifle ammo conversion receiver, and the reflex sight actually glowed on it. Turns out the fColorRemappingIndex property that I had left on the other receiver Object Mods was interfering with it. After deleting them, the reflex glows correctly on all receivers.

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