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Help! First Person Meshes


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The images you've attached aren't working, the hosting site says there's 404 errors.


If you're having trouble exporting meshes you can try this... The nif plugin haven't worked at all for me so instead I resort to using just Outfit Studio and Blender. I open the nif files in OS, export the meshes as OBJ files, open them in Blender and do whatever I have to do, export all the meshes as one OBJ, and then open the OBJ in OS. Now I just have meshes so I reapply the materials and copy the bone weights from other meshes. I use OS as well to save my meshes/outfit as nifs.


When importing and exporting from Blender be sure to change the Forward and Up to Y forward and Z up respectively so the rotation of the objects aren't messed up.

Edited by Nutulator
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How do you copy and transfer the bone weights in BodySlide? I loaded a first person mesh (GITS_1stPerson_suit03) along with my custom first person file, highlighted the bones, copied them and tried to transfer them to my custom outfit but they wouldn't transfer over. When I'd delete the GITS_1stPerson_suit03 mesh to try and save my file, the bones would be deleted with it.

Edited by OniBrigade
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You have to set the object you're copying from as a reference. When it's a reference it'll be highlighted in bright green. There are two ways to do this, either Load Reference by going to File which will make the object you bring in the reference or right click on an object under the Meshes tab in the top right and select Set Reference.


Be sure the object you're copying from is directly overlapping the object you're copying to otherwise the bones copied will be out of place.


When exporting you don't have to try and delete the reference since it won't be included in the output and also because you can't delete references.

Edited by Nutulator
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Awesome! Got it working. https://postimg.org/image/htavb7sud/ The hand is a little off but it's not a big deal, I can mess with it a bit more to try and get it perfect. Thanks for the tips about Outfit Studio, applying the material to the outfit through that also fixed the texture issues I was having. Thanks for the help guys.

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3Ds is the man for 3d meshes, imho. Blender "works" but the game's meshes were all creating using 3DS, so... Thing is, SubIndexTriShapes are totaly Skyrim-era. They might work ingame (never seen one so idk) but a BSTriShape is what you want. Install 3DS2013 X64, then install the Proper Nif plugin in fallout4\tools. Export meshes with blank Slate Material effectLighting node attached, then run them thru Elric with default settings, also in \Tools folder. Resulting BSTriShape (just that block, not the effectshaders or anything) can then be used to "overwrite" the BSTriShape of a vanilla mesh using Nifskope. Copy new block to the bottom of your vanilla.nif, name it the same as the block you are replacing (IE chestpiece:0), adjust the BS props to the same as your reference TriShape. Adjust the translation to perfection, then right-click it, select copy. Goto reference block, and right-click it, select paste over. Delete the loose block you copied to the bottom of your nif. Adjust XYZ translation if needed, paste over moves stuff sometimes, SAVE, THEN open the result in OS and proceed from there, adjusting bone weights and such if needed. I know nothing about that program, not my thing modding at all so I've never used it. Got CBBE and sexy filters in place on Nexus, couldn't care less how big boobs are when there's a Wasteland to survive.


NB that you might need to make the block 100% the same, IE TriShape flags should be 14, unknown short 1 below that should be 0 or 8, and the vertex size info might also change. Make VF4,VF5,VF,and VF8 100% the same as your reference block and it should work fine.

You can use this method for any nif file, to overwrite existing BSTriShapes, but be warned!! LOW POLYS and LOW VERTS a must, overly complex 3d objects crash the game. Also, collision data will be off if you make major changes. While previewing in CK, press <F4> to show current collision. Minor out of place is ok, but major errors will drive you nutso and affect how you can manipulate the obj ingame, no collision means you can't highlight it in build mode to scrap stuff, stuff hangs in midair, stuff like that.

Edited by JesterDoobie
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Awesome! Got it working. https://postimg.org/image/htavb7sud/ The hand is a little off but it's not a big deal, I can mess with it a bit more to try and get it perfect. Thanks for the tips about Outfit Studio, applying the material to the outfit through that also fixed the texture issues I was having. Thanks for the help guys.


Glad to hear that!


Regarding the out of place hand, mostly likely you moved the 1st person arms slightly in 3D space at one point. You can simply use the transform tool in OS and move it a bit to the left. One thing to keep in mind is always keep outfits in their original positions in Blender and in OS otherwise you're going to have problems.


For these types of things you don't have to mess around with TriShapes and whatnot. Perhaps for other effects but not for this.

Edited by Nutulator
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