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DAI Modded Save Not Loading, Stuck on Card Tips Screen


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hi there

i have a save that i was playing on, and i started that save with mods. when i got to the Black Emporium, i went ahead and remerged to make a clean save, without mods, so i could go in and get what i needed. i left the BE, saved, and exited the game. then i remerged again, this time with the same mods, and started the game. now my save won't load at all...

my official patch version is 12, and the modded patch says 13. i have tried changing both the official and modded patch versions to no avail. i'm at a loss of what to do, and i REALLY don't want to have to start a new game for the third time :( (this was a problem from the getgo, and i had just been restarting the character every time i got this load screen.. every time i had to start over because, after remerging and adding the mods to the game after a clean merge to enter the BE, they would never load beyond the card tips you get on a loading screen...)

please PLEASE help me, i'm very happy with how my elf turned out and i don't want to have to start over for a fourth time.... not to mention it means i can never go into the BE unless i play unmodded :/

my mod manager is up to date and so it my game. i have tried a repair on my game, and it still didn't work...

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Edit your "package.mft" file to increment the Version number. Keep incrementing until your save loads. :thumbsup:


(File found in: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\"

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i had been doing that, but i stopped after i hit like version 14 because i thought maybe it wasn't working? so it doesn't matter if the version number of the modded package is lower than the official package? should i keep incrementing even if i get to like, 18 or 20???

thank u for such a swift response! ;O;

edit: so i kept upping the version, and it did load the save when i upped it to 13. in which it was the same version number as the modded package version... but when it loaded, none of my mods showed.. :sad: and if i try to up the modded package version, it gets stuck again.... if i up the official patch version, it'll load (but it will only load if it's version is the same of higher than the modded package version) but never with mods :/

Edited by queensiha
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i don't know if this helps, but this person has done all the things i have tried. update has nothing to do with it though, because unlike their last reply, all my settings are ultra :/


"I have tried changing the patch number higher, deleting the patch folder repairing the game and re-merge the mods, I have tried doing a fresh install and merge the mods, plus numerous file swaps and other misc items trying to get this mod to work.

I don't feel it would be a conflicting mod issue as the two mods do not necessarily deal with each other, but I'm no expert."

and i know it's not conflicting mods, because my save was loading, with mods, at one time :/

Edited by queensiha
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