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I need someone who is good at scripting to help


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OK so this script worked fine in fallout 3 however when i try to use it in New Vegas it wont save no mater what i do i learned it was probably because the script was set up wrong but i don't know could someone help please? the script gives a nuka cola machine using it the option to take all colas out of inventory and make them ice cold, get an ice cold nuka, or refill an empty nuka bottle or regular soda bottle. those are the options when the machine is activated. Here is the script


scn EHNukaVendingMachineScript
;The Player can add Nuka-Colas to the machine and have them changed to Ice-Cold Nuka-Colas
;He can then dispense them as he wants to take some or drink them
short Button
short NukasOnMe
short GoNuka
Short BottlesOnMe
Short CapsOnMe
Short Dispense
begin OnActivate
if ( IsActionRef Player == 1 )
if ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola >= 1 )
ShowMessage EHNukaMachineWith
set GoNuka to 2
elseif ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola < 1 )
ShowMessage EHNukaMachineWithout
set GoNuka to 1
begin gamemode
set Button to GetButtonPressed
if ( Button == 0 ) && ( GoNuka >= 1 )
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 1 ) && ( GoNuka == 2 )
set NukasOnMe to ( Player.GetItemCount NukaCola )
Player.RemoveItem NukaCola NukasOnMe
EHnukafridgeREF.AddItem MS05IceNukaCola NukasOnMe
set NukasOnMe to 0
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 1 ) && ( GoNuka == 1 )
Set Dispense to 1
set GoNuka to 0
elseif ( Button == 2 ) && ( GoNuka == 2 )
Set Dispense to 1
set GoNuka to 0
If Dispense == 1
Set BottlesOnMe to player.getitemcount SodaBottleEmpty01 + player.getitemcount NukaColaBottle
Set CapsOnMe to Player.getitemcount caps001
if BottlesOnMe < 1 || CapsOnMe < 1
Set Dispense to 0
ShowMessage EHNukaDispense, BottlesOnMe , CapsOnMe
elseIf BottlesOnMe >= 1 && CapsOnMe >= 1
If player.getitemcount SodaBottleEmpty01 >= 1
player.removeitem SodaBottleEmpty01 1
player.removeitem NukaColaBottle 1
player.removeitem caps001 1
player.additem NukaCola 1
Set Dispense to 0
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The script contains several references which do not exist in new vegas, possibly among others:










Additionally the object EHnukafridgeREF would need to exist in the worldspace.

Edited by clanky4
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