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Corpse Indicator


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I love the nexus and all its mods and have been using many for quite some time.

During this time I've also created a couple mods myself, though none of them are anything to write home about.


One thing that has again and again annoyed me, particularly when coupled with mods like Hunterborn, is loosing ones recent kills in the foliage/area.




I think we've all had that situation.

One strolls through the wilderness, looking for leather, and comes upon a deer or elk. Swiftly the bow is brought out, the soultrap enchantment recharged and the hunt commences. Sneak, Shoot, Killmove.


So far so good, but didn't that camera slide off during the last moments of the killshot?

Please Thalos, don't have that corpse slide off into the underbrush, never to be found again ...


And then you go looking for it and, after looking for half an hour real time, you give up.



Here is the mod I request.

Two miscellaneous quests.

  • one keeps track of the last 10 kills you made
  • the other keeps track of the last 10 corpses you came across

Suggested Approaches

  • when you/follower deals damage grant 30-second "buff", if dies with buff, add to tracking list
  • check 1 per 5 sec, 2000 range or on open their inventory

Both place quest markers on the things they track. And yes, they can end up tracking the same entity (though if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like to avoid that).

Edited by Raszul
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I made a Detect Corpse spell specifically because of this problem. It's in my Minor Spells mod along with the semi-useless Summon Wisp spell. Both are found in pouches scattered around the game world and designed for low-level and non-mage characters. Detect Corpse won't detect anything other than actual corpses (not vampires, active draugr, etc.) and I use it all the time in my game.

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