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Why is this texture file damaged?


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I am loading all the textures for this object into the directories so it appears textured when I edit it.

However, one texture file is damaged.
It's meant to be on the railing supports, but it does not load.
Each time I have tried to edit it, the correct program rejects it.
Viewing it via the default viewer just shows it in some unusual lilac color.
And it's not just this texture file, there is at least one other, maybe 2 or 3 more that are broken like this.
How do I obtain the functional unbroken file?
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That 'unusual lilac color' is how a normal map is supposed to look - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mapping

I''m guessing you got confused, and what you wanted is the diffuse map, it should be titled ElevatorDoorParts01_d.DDS

(note the lower case d before the .DDS extension. Also, apologies as I can't quite make out the beginning of the file name your using, is it 'Vit'?)

d = diffuse (map), n = normal (map) s = specular (map)

Edited by AGreatWeight
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Thank you for providing the info.

It enabled me to find the correct texture and extract it.


What really confuses me is why it wasn't in the same archive file as the ones it was connected to.

The first two were in Textures3, the one I was looking for was in Textures4. :ermm:


The file starts with V L T.

Since I am using the format established by Bethesda, I assume it is shorthand for Vault.

Which would make sense, since I am working on a Vault interior object here.

Edited by Tilarta
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And just when I thought it was safe to go back into the modding:

More Texture Mismaps


I am not certain what happened here, but I think there is another texture map that is altering the appearance of the new texture (on the stairs).

It looks like the new texture has been made transperant and overlaid on the the old texture.


For the most part, the tiles worked as desired, but when the light hits them from certain angles or there is diminished light, there's odd shadows on the tiles that makes them appear to be buckling or peeling up.


My theory is it's something to do with the other files, the s and d extension ones.

I thought I changed those to match too though.

If they're causing problems, I might have to delete the references to those textures from the nif or bgsm files to make sure they won't cause the problems I am currently seeing.

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I disabled Specularity in the concrete bgsm file.

I don't think it had any effect though:


As you can see here, when viewed from above, the mismap is hardly noticeable.

But shift the viewing angle and it immediately becomes highly visible.

It's those three dents in the concrete.

This is a minor version of the mismap, the tiles are much worse.


I read the tutorial.

If I interpreted it correctly, I need to extract the color channels from the new texture and copy it to the specular file.

Unfortunately, it then mentioned Photoshop and that's it became non-relevant, as I do not have a copy of that program on my PC.


I may have to find out if my editing program can do a similar extraction procedure.

Or work out a way to do it with 3rd party (easy to use!) programs.

Preferably ones that don't make you pay a lot to obtain them.


A simple easy to use tool designed specifically for this task by Fallout modders would be ideal.

If you know of one, please feel free to recommend it.

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