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Hi, guys!
I don't like looting dead bodies and dealing with merchants, but I would like to have a reword for each kill. Autoloot mods help, but they have their weaknesses (performance drops, for example).
So, the Idea is simple:
kill a human - get ... gold
kill an animal - get half as much gold
and so on.

I think, it's not hard to create such a mod (unfortunately, I don't know how to do it), but it would make a difference for those players, who just want to fight, hunt bandits or animals and get instant rewards for that.

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In wintermyst enchantment mods, you can get gold per day and perk kill move. Use something like violens to up the kill move odds and you can achieve the effect. Maybe you or someone can tweak it and have it work on every kill, depending on how it works.

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