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Armour penetration values don't seem to be doing more damage in Object Mod properties

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So I shot two identical assaultrons in the same place with both my standard and ammo converted receiver (the only difference being the first has 40 armor penetration, the second 80) with no discernable difference between end damage done to the two enemies; First enemy / Second enemy

The Object mods (I added a damage boost to the standard receiver to match it with the ammo converted version)


So I guess my questions are, have I set my penetration up right? Does armor penetration even work on non-humanoids with a flat armor value, and is the value of e.g. 40 a percent of the total damage that penetrates or a flat penetrating damage value?

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So I probably should have looked this up earlier: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_Resistance#Final_Damage

Good god. Maths isn't my strong suit, but at least it's clear that the '40' that most armour piercing modifications add is a percent rather than a flat value. I suppose I should just set a higher value for the better receivers and hope for the best, even though I've noticed no difference myself.

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At the bottom of that Calculus exam....


"Due to the way the damage formula works, the 40% armor piercing of some weapons mods actually result in a flat +20% effective damage done, on any foe, regardless of the weapon base damage or the DR of the target."





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So I guess my questions are, have I set my penetration up right? Does armor penetration even work on non-humanoids with a flat armor value, and is the value of e.g. 40 a percent of the total damage that penetrates or a flat penetrating damage value?

1. No, you didn't. Look at a template receiver with armor penetration. You have to also add an armor penetration enchantment on your receiver to get it working (peEnchantments -> enchModArmorPenetration). Took me some time to figure it out x)

2. It should work on everything.

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