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Different Character saves are merging with another.


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Don't know why my prior topic has just gone POOF! I posted it not very long ago, had a response and was going review it for info, but now I can't... so... here's the problem all over again:


I have multiple characters, each one had their saves categorized by their names... hence the option: Load>Select Character.


For the sake of reference... the character names were Brianna, The Dude, and Vinny.

The problem is that some how The Dude's saves ended up rolling over to Brianna's. All The Dude's saves showed up under Brianna's name and the quick saves and auto saves would wipe out the ones for Brianna while playing as him. And when I played on Brianna, it would basically do the same against the quick and auto saves for The Dude


No matter what I tried, I could not get the game to "re-distinguish" (for lack of better terms) between the two characters. I created named saves using the console: save "character name - progress" and moved them to another location, wiped all saves, and put them back in the saves folder. loaded them up individually, which ever one I loaded first, is the name under which ALL saves would be kept.


I even made new characters with the same names, then loaded each of the saves respectively ahead of the new characters, saved and still no dice...


Is there a way to get the game to categorize them by name again? or am I stuck making hard saves at the end of every session for the rest of each character's progress?

Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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For some reason, I was under the impression my post was deleted, because I couldn't find it ANYWHERE in my content... sorry for the double post. It some how magically reappeared... lol. But I do believe I explained it a bit better here... so if anyone has a solution... it would be very appreciated.

Edited by CrashMasterJMM
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