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A Few NavMesh Questions.


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I'm familiar with basic navmeshing however, after looking at some similar worldspaces and dungoens to the ones I'm creating, I've notices a few things that I can't seem to figure out how to do.


1. On ledges there are purple blocks that I presume are there to allow NPCs to jump down.


2. In large worldspaces there is a green grid that - as far as I can tell - connects areas of NavMesh together without them actually being linked.


Any help in creating these for my NavMesh would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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I'm familiar with basic navmeshing however, after looking at some similar worldspaces and dungoens to the ones I'm creating, I've notices a few things that I can't seem to figure out how to do.


1. On ledges there are purple blocks that I presume are there to allow NPCs to jump down.


2. In large worldspaces there is a green grid that - as far as I can tell - connects areas of NavMesh together without them actually being linked.


Any help in creating these for my NavMesh would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


1. Use dropdowns - select the 2 edges you want to be the starting / ending points for the drops and press " P " and a dropdown will be created. See here for more details:


Navmesh Dropdowns


2. Are you talking about the navmesh edges on cell borders? That is created by finalizing the navmesh for a cell once you are done creating it and tweaking it for the unique geometry of your cell and what you've placed in it. Make sure your cell border verts and edges line up as much as possible before you finalize or you won't get a good (or any) cell connection.


If you are unclear on any of this you should read the entire page I linked above as well going through the Bethesda Navmesh tutorial if you've never done it before: Navmesh Tutorial

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