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Who is behind the Mask?


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Have you ever wondered who was behind the mask? I mean all these people go around, and make all these mods and such.


I have to laugh at times at how ridiculous some of them really are. But, still it made me laugh. Don’t get me wrong I love modders. Love, Love modders. Don’t start sending hate mail for just posing the question. And, I know first hand modding is hard work.

However, we go to such lengths for the outside, never giving rise to the question who is behind that gorgeous mask that we have just created. Fought to get the load order just right. Spend hours upon hours making preparations for the game. Making the armors just right for some unknown A.I. that is supposed to represent us.


But, never giving a thought to who is wearing our gorgeous mask or body that we have just created?

Many, games make you import from the previous game. Do, you ever wonder why they do that. It is a Many-fold question?

Example: D. A.O. now this is by no means an assault on the makers of this game at all. It is just an example.


1. For the codex of events we import. --- However, did our choices really matter? It states in files of D.A.O. Alistair is immortal. So, if he is immortal he cannot be killed. So, do you think the creators are really going to kill off their star pupil after all the dough they laid out to make him in the first place? I say no.

2. Now in Origins if you kill Zevran or Liliana they seem to magically appear in the following game alive and kicking. Same, goes for them as well. They are immortal. So, if they seemed to followed you into the next game. Alistair, even if you killed him is somewhere in the mix as well. Why, do you say that… It is because, they are all a family. They are lovers, and friends as well. Even Loghain follows as well. ‘Because why? Why do you say that?? He is immortal as well.

3. I can tell you for a fact bodies mean nothing to them. It is just a shell. A man can play a girl, and a girl can play a man. A girl can play dog even. It is so simple.. If you can turn on your T.V. you can figure this out.

4. So, who are you really crushing on? Or, who are they really hating? It is pointless. Because, the fix has already been put in from the start.

5. So when there is this big ta do over man on man it could very well be man and woman behind that manly mask.

6. I have seen wars over the internet about him making such and such gay. And, this and that.

However, they never once think? Hey, who is behind that mask?


You, see the joke is really on the player. That is why when you ask them if it matters or was it an insult over making this person or that person gay. Ninety percent sure they will come back and say. It does not matter to me… Just like with Cassandra in Dragon's three.

Why, does it not matter to them. Because, they know the fix is already in.


Ever wondered why they move like they move. Hands on hips are a flirt move. Etc. etc.

They talk with their eyes. [They use transference.]


And, most games use the same recipe just different frosting.


Ever wonder how they know what you have done when no one is around to have seen you do it. Not even the squirrels saw you do it.


It is because, it is One of the main characters who report everything that you have done. Every action, movement, and, such.


There are so many more gaming secrets I could share but, I leave something left for you to figure out.

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