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Skyrim Nexus not loading correctly/fully.


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Unsure whether this is the correct place to post this. Also I am posting on behalf of a friend, as they are unable to access the Skyrim Nexus or this forum as it is loading up incorrectly.




This is what my friends page has been looking like for approximately 2 days to a week, it is worth mentioning that this is occurring on both firefox and google chrome browsers.


Any help would be appreciated.

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To be more precise, there's no graphics or stylesheets loaded at all, like everything from "staticdelivery.nexusmods.com" is missing. As this is a CDN based domain and will lead to any random CDN server inside your region instead of a server of the Nexus, there's no telling what could be preventing them from getting through to it.


Recently a couple people have reported issues with the CDN not being accessible through certain ISPs in certain regions, mostly Australia it was I think, but chances are other locations and ISPs will at one point have similar issues as well.


Make sure to clear their browser caches and try again, if it helps. Or run a traceroute to "staticdelivery.nexusmods.com" and find out where it stops (time out, etc.) before reaching the end. It could be anything from a block put in place by their ISP to a routing problem within their vicinity, or also just an out-dated routing table cached on their device.

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