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New Take On A Personal Flying Machine


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So i have a mod idea and would like to know if someone would like to build it, if it is even possible. My idea is this: a personal flying machine similar to a personal jetpack but with collapsible wings. I would function like a basic jet pack (double jump to activate) however it won't drain the AP bar, but instead is powered by fusion cores, similar to a power armor and also with a HUD gauge to let you know how much charge is left in the core, with 10% increment warnings (beeping, flashing light, etc). After take off, the character would be animated in a diagonal fashion while moving forward, tilt when moving left and right, and "sprinting" would cause the wings to animate and expand (similar to that of a F-14 Tomcat Fighter jet) and the character would animate completely horizontal as if laying on their belly while they are speed flying. This would drain the fusion core at a higher rate but still not use any AP. When the fusion core gets low, the player should be forced to land to swap cores, if they don't then if the core is empty while in flight the player will crash and take damage, potentially dying.


So what do you all think? Is this possible??

Edited by slagle92
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