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There are already some mods for killmoves, making killmoves more common etc.

But there's one more thing I'd like to see. Wich would be a 90 to 100% chance for NPC's and creatures to preform killmoves on the player.

It's alwasy dull to see you get smacked in the face by a ghoul and that's about it. You fly across the room dead, quick-load and try again.

However, every time an enemy preforms a killmove on the player, I be like "Holy s***, awesome"


I've played fallout 4 for quite some time now, and just recently I discovered that a raider can actually snap your neck if you don't watch out.

I use a mod for a lot more realistic damage. Like getting insta-killed by a raider with a iron pipe, (If critical hit) wich make sense if you get knocked to the skull you wouldn't be stabbing yourself with stimpacks.


Also, might need to be able to choose between the presentage chance for a kill move to take place, considdering difficulty level. Might not be the best thing if you're at full health and get locked in an enemy's kill move, resulting in death instantly. Or, if the presentage kicks in when player health is bellow 20% or something. I don't know if 100% would force the enemy to preform killmove on the player even if the enemy is as great distance with a rifle and could've just shot you instead. Meaning he would have to come all the way to you to preform a killmove? If so, the presentage should never be at 100%


Anyways, I think this should be added as a mod for the immersion. The wastelands is a harsh place, and should act accordingly.

Someone who knows about FO4 AI and behavior for killmoves will probably have a better clue about this than I have, so feel free to come with ideas everyone!



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